
Terminology related to Non-Carious lesions of Oral Cavity NOTES

Attrition – the mechanical wear of the incisal or occlusal surface of the teeth due to frictional forces between the opposing teeth is attrition (includes wear of the proximal surfaces due to physiologic movement).

Abrasion – this is abnormal tooth surface loss because of direct frictional forces between teeth and external forces (brushing force or frictional force between contacting teething presence of an abrasive) Eg. Tooth brush abrasion, abrasion due to tobacco chewing.

Erosion: the loss or wear of tooth due to chemico-mechanical action is erosion especially by frequent consumption of citrus juices, gastric regurgitation etc.

Abfraction – the micro-fractures seen in cervical areas of the teeth due to abnormal tooth flexure (m. bent or curved part)

Fracture – any break in the continuity of tooth surface as a result of traumatic injuries.

Enamel hypoplasia – the defective formation or calcification of enamel due to injury to ameloblasts during enamel formation.

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